Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Day 6...Gratitude Journal Challenge

 Whoooosh!!!...I had an interesting day today.A rich mix of fun,humor and fabulous time out with God.
Let's get to it already!

1.I was with some kids today and it was unadulterated fun all the way.They even taught me how to play monopoly...*covering eyes*lol..Choi!such posh,prodigious kids plus I got to play rough today...been awhile..infact,by the time the boy tried pulling some stunts when I carried him on my head,I quickly shouted,"I'm not ready to reproduce just yet"..His mum had a good laugh over that.
It sure reminded me why I had to work with kids one way or another.
So yeah..i'm Thankful for Children and their beautiful hearts.Even Christ made an allusion to them.

2.I'm Thankful for Laughter...I asked that delightful precocious boy what his favorite food was.Guess his answer?...wait for it!...He said,"Plenty Garri"...Omo,I laughed ehn..It was so hilarious coming from a privileged kids mouth.

3.During the prayer session,my Pastor referred to the fact that Christ didn't die for the elite only and how we should reach out to the ones who don't even have hopes,dreams, aspirations and are just victims of circumstances.
It struck me there and then,how grateful I am for a spirit-led and God-orchestrated life.Its comforting to know I ain't a victim of circumstance.

4.I'm thankful for sleep.I had a short but productive siesta time today.One word...Invigorating!

5.I got hungry and couldn't access food for awhile today.As much as I want to grumble about the disadvantages of being dependent on the arrangements of your host,I decided to be thankful that I can be hungry...You don't wanna know the number of people who can't eat,who do everything but cry to be free from such terrible eating disorders and patterns.
#Enough said.

I AM THANKFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a good night rest...and yeah,you know how we do it now... Follow my partners-in-gratitude@www.eziaha.com and www.giantsparkle.wordpress.com....Infact,just subscribe to their blogs already and save me the job of typing their blog adds everyday...okay?That way,you get an email notification for every new post.Cool right?
Thank you!



  1. U know blogger is impossible to subscribe to
    Kids are adorable ooooooooo
    Anyday or time
    Still can't play monopoly. Only me. Every one in my fam can. Maybe I'll learn with the lagos one..

  2. No comment about blogger sha.you and your bias.Yes kids can be.
    Pls learn monopoly.Don't be a lastma...lol


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